15 Episodes of The West Wing We Need Now More Than Ever

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2.08 Shibboleth

The eighth episode of the second season deals with the issue of immigrants seeking religious asylum in the United States, and whether they should be turned away. Immigrants from China are claiming religious persecution for their Christianity back home, and seek asylum with the United States by the Bartlet administration. The episode deals with the issue by listening, by hearing out the victims and while Bartlet’s stance is to meet with their leader to determine the validity of their Christianity claims, it’s the leader, Jhin Wei, who sways Bartlet – by reminding him that a quiz cannot prove Christianity, it’s faith.

And while the resolution may not be doing away with immigration laws, it does reflect a respectful discussion of immigration, of religious asylum and cultural differences, bringing to the forefront an uncomfortable and controversial topic respectfully.

Let me say that again: respectfully.

The episode does not suggest to build a wall, or to blame those immigrants of sneaking into the country to “steal our jobs” and commit heinous crimes. When the president hears of the situation, he meets with a member of the group, he listens to his concerns and tries to understand.

He’s a man with a heart. He cares.