Does anyone else think that this trailer for Hulu’s adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale was very much influenced by current political events?
It seems oddly fitting that the first words of Hulu’s most recent trailer for The Handmaid’s Tale are “I was asleep before. That’s how we let it happen.” After all, there is rather a lot going on in the world today, to put things about as mildly as possible, and Hulu is apparently very much aware of what its audience for this show will be.
But we’ll save the rest of our analysis for a moment here.
Check out the latest trailer below:
Throughout the first portion of the trailer, Offred (Elisabeth Moss) explains in voiceover how things changed so rapidly in the United States. You see, the Republic of Gilead, the show’s setting, is very much meant to be in the States after a takeover.
The initial voiceover ends with three very powerful words: “Now I’m awake.” An interesting choice of words, especially considering phrases like #StayWoke, don’t you think?
Indeed, much of the first half of the trailer focuses on showing Offred’s life before the Gilead takeover. That includes brief flashes of her losing her job thanks to new laws, the again rather pertinent women’s protests, and more.
The second portion of the trailer then takes us into Gilead. If “Now I’m awake” sums up the first half, the Commander’s line “Better never means better for everyone” perhaps does it for the second half.
Entertainment Weekly has previously reported that Moss, the show’s star, didn’t want the show to be as relevant. However, it appears that the marketing department has fully embraced the change in climate. That may very well mean an even bigger outpouring of support.
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Will you be watching The Handmaid’s Tale when it premieres on April 26?