When it comes to political television, Samantha Bee is doing a great job and she is taking on stories that we haven’t heard of otherwise.
Samantha Bee is continuing to take on everything that is going on in this country and she’s looking at Dr. Sebastian Gorka and what he is talking about counter-terrorism. Gorka is a man that many of us haven’t heard about before and Sam wanted us to know who he is.
So she focuses on everything that Dr. Sebastian L. v. Gorka represents and even made fun of that weird villain accent he has. But she educated us about the dangers of Gorka and how he has connections to a group that many see of having Nazi connections.
Sam is looking at local newspapers that are suffering under Trump administration and while it was very Samantha, it also proves to us that there are issues on a local front as well as an international one. She also points out that some of the articles might be biased to those writing the articles but still, her point is made and important.
And it wouldn’t be Sam if she didn’t take on Trump’s budget and the healthcare reform that is ending up terrible for Donald Trump. Everything he is doing seems to be negatively reflecting back on him and it is working.
Honestly, Samantha is one of the greatest sources for news stories that we have. She’s willing to tell us what is going on and we should all be tuning in.
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Really, we love Sam and all that she’s doing for the political television front as well as women in the news. And if you’re not watching her, you definitely should be! What’s your favorite thing that Samantha Bee has done? Tell us in the comments below!