It is part of an actor’s job to be charming, it is why we love them in interviews! But who are the most charming actors around? We’ve got the top 50!
Actors are meant to be charming, that’s part of the game. But who is the best of the best when it comes to charming actors? Well, that comes down to who we love the most. With charm comes love and adoration so really, the actor who masters it the best is the most loved actor around, right?
No, that’s not true but charm does have a big part in our love of an actor. After all, when an actor isn’t necessarily charming, those talk show interviews can be torturous. So while it is not a requirement to loving an actor, it helps. Because really, who wants to sit and watch an interview after interview of an actor who isn’t charming? It just isn’t that fun and half the joy of being obsessed with an actor is sitting in a YouTube hole watching all their talk show appearances?
And really, that YouTube hole is definitely what all us fangirls and fanboys love most.
We’re going to look at 50 of the most charming actors out there today. From McDreamy to princes and superheroes, every actor on this list has something that just makes us love them that little bit more. As if we needed more reasons to love our favorite actors!