15 Romantic Pairings of Actresses We Desperately Need On Screen Together

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Aja Naomi King arrives at The Hollywood Reporter’s 25th Annual Women In Entertainment Breakfast held at MILK Studios in Los Angeles, CA on Wednesday, December 7, 2016. (Photo By Sthanlee B. Mirador) *** Please Use Credit from Credit Field ***

Lindsey Morgan arrives at the People’s “Ones to Watch” Event held at the E.P. & L.P. in West Hollywood, CA on Thursday, October 13, 2016. (Photo By Sthanlee B. Mirador) *** Please Use Credit from Credit Field ***

Aja Naomi King & Lindsey Morgan

I’m having a hard time picturing this only because I know once I finally do, it’ll be all I think about. Ever. Is there a more beautiful pairing than Aja Naomi King and Lindsey Morgan? I’m going to go with a solid no. But here I go, picturing it anyway… Things are about to get lengthy.

Picture This: Buckle up, because this one might be my favorite. We’re fast forwarding a bit. Picture 20 years from now- 2037. Two women are running against one another for president. Aja Naomi King is the daughter of one and Lindsey Morgan is the daughter of the other. They’re openly dating and have been for awhile, but once this presidential election begins, it causes tensions to rise between them. As it should. Campaign after campaign. Debate after debate. They begin to realize that maybe everything they used to have in common isn’t important anymore. Their mothers no longer approve of their relationships and start putting pressure on them to break up. The story writes itself.

This plot satisfies so many of my needs. It satisfies so many things we’re missing on television right now. This could be a series that would easily last 6 seasons so if anyone is interested in writing this with me, give me a call.