Spring Breakin:’ The Best TV Episodes To Prime You For Warmer Weather

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 “So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedershen, Goodbye” – Beverly Hills, 90210

Although this isn’t technically set in Spring, this fourth season episode of 90210 has all the things we love about warmer weather: a raging kegger that gets out of hand, ill-advised hookups, and a sad goodbye at the end of it.

This episode finds the gang at the end of a long summer and saying goodbye to resident bad girl, Brenda. After working all summer at the Beverly Hills Beach Club, Brenda is set to leave for college in Minnesota.

To celebrate their last days of “freedom,” Brandon and Steve rent a Malibu beach house for the final two weeks of summer, and of course throw a huge party that quickly gets out of hand. Besides all the underage drinking and completely unaffordable accommodations, Steve’s old flame shows up, causing problems with his current squeeze.

Kelly is also back from Europe with Dylan, who’s morose mood over getting rejected from Berkeley ruins the trip for both of them. As the friends prepare to say goodbye to their high school days, they rely on each other to get them through the incredibly trying consequences of being young, beautiful and rich.

The sheer proximity to the sand and water (and tequila) makes me long for warmer days and lighter schedules. Forget all this winter nonsense, I need to get myself to a beach, STAT.