15 superhero boyfriends we wish were real life men

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3. Steve Rogers

When it comes to Steve Rogers, many want him and Bucky Barnes to end up together. And that is fine and cool but here, we’re talking about Steve and Peggy. When Captain America: The First Avenger came to our screens, our hearts yearned for that date that Peggy and Steve had.

When he crashes and is frozen, he wakes up in the 21st century and the first thing he says is that he had a date. And then we learn as the films go on that he still went to visit Peggy and loved her even though it was heartbreaking, it truly was a relationship that showed us that Steve Rogers is almost perfect.

This Brooklyn boy stole our hearts and honestly, a lot of it has to do with Chris Evans. But just think about Steve and how much we all love him and want to date him. That’s a testament to him as a character, his relationship with Peggy, and how much he cares about all those around him. He’s a fierce friend and someone that we all can look up to.

Literally, we can look up at him, he’s really tall. And handsome as hell! And that’s why Steve is on our list of superhero boyfriends we wish were real!