Beauty and the Beast Review: You Should Be Their Guest


Everyone is excited about the release of Beauty and the Beast and we’re here with our review of the movie and the soundtrack!

My review of Beauty and the Beast is going to be simple, if you like the animated film, you like this. As someone who’s favorite princess has always been Belle, I was extremely worried going into this film.

I didn’t know if I’d like having my favorite Disney movie changed. After all, they took out songs from the Broadway production that were incredible so my expectations were pretty low. Lucky for me, the movie was surprisingly true to the original and even gave us a bit more information about Belle and her family!

Although the movie had its faults (as all movies do), it was genuinely a fun movie to watch. They captured the magic of the original and while Belle and the Beast were definitely auto-tuned, the music wasn’t terrible. Luke Evans even made it so you actually liked Gaston before he turned into a terrible monster!

Again, if this is a movie you liked growing up, you’ll probably like the live-action remake. It pulls on the same heartstrings the original did and even gives us more of the Belle and Maurice relationship. We learn why they’re so important to one another and why Maurice is afraid of losing Belle.

There are some added elements that are slightly unnecessary (like the rose pen) but overall, it is just a good movie that really makes us relive the magic and the happiness that Beauty and the Beast always did.

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Catch Beauty and the Beast in theaters now and tell us what you think about the film! How do you think Emma Watson did as the bookworm princess?