Photo: NBC
Sophia and Dorothy
Any mother/daughter relationship worth it’s weight is built on a healthy foundation of fear and intimidation. As Italian-American transplants from New York City, Dorothy and Sophia enjoyed the sort of tough love that you can only exact on the folks closest to you.
With constant threats to return her mother to the nursing home from whence she came, Dorothy kept Sophia in check – sort of. The two lived in a house with two other women, and the roles often felt reversed as Dorothy thought she had to mother Sophia.
The joke was always on Dorothy, however, because Sophia definitely didn’t need to be “seen after.” She led a full, adventurous life, and she had a way with zingers that could make you cry because they were so mean, but laugh because they were so clever.
Even when Sophia was mocking Dorothy’s lack of romantic status or extreme height, Dorothy knew she loved her. That’s probably why she felt okay in calling her a troll or constantly threatening to throw her back into Shady Pines. Even though we knew she would never do it.