Doctor Who “Becoming the Companion” To Screen Ahead of Premiere Episode

A new documentary short “Becoming the Companion” has been announced as screening ahead of the Doctor Who Season 10 premiere in theaters.

If there’s one thing that Doctor Who changes more often than it’s lead role of the Doctor, it’s the role of the Doctor’s sidekick, his companion. Where there have been 12 men who have played the role of “The Doctor” so far in the show’s history, there have been 48 companions. (50, if you count K-9 and K9 II.)

The newest companion, who we haven’t met yet (and is not counted in that above number) is Bill Potts. She’s featured heavily in the brand new trailer that was released yesterday, as well as the Doctor’s other new companion, Nardole.

You can check them out here, in said trailer.

But how did they get those roles? How does the show decide who they will be bringing on to be that all important humanizing element who travels with the Time Lord through all of time and space? A new documentary short, entitled “Becoming The Companion” explores the process in which showrunner Stephen Moffat and the BBC team cast the part.

"“Casting a new companion is every bit as difficult as casting a new Doctor. The role of companion is as central as the role of the Doctor.”"

Check out a clip from the upcoming documentary:

According to Entertainment Weekly:

"In addition to Moffat, “Becoming the Companion” features contributions from current Who star Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie, the actress who actually is becoming the companion of Capaldi’s Time Lord this season. The premiere episode of Doctor Who spinoff show Class will also screen on the two nights."

Next: New Doctor Who Season 10 Trailer, Plus Season Premiere Details!

BBC America and Fathom Events are working together to bring these Doctor Who treats to the big screen, on April 17 and 19. The television premiere of Doctor Who Season 10 will air on BBC One and BBC America on April 15th. Becoming The Companion will most like be released as a blu-ray/DVD bonus feature.