The newest Doctor Who Season 10 trailer has arrived and we’re hyped! Plus check out a brand new image and episode title for the premiere episode!
We’re just over a month out from the premiere of Doctor Who season 10 (or series 36, if you’re going to be continuous about it). For those who are into “how your entertainment sausage gets made”, this means we’ve reached the kick off for the four week intense promotional period that will lead up to the April 15th air date.
And today certainly kicked off in style, with a brand new trailer that aired on BBC One during the prime time evening hours of the UK.
Check it out.
Also released earlier in the day (along with the warning that the trailer was coming) a brand new image from the BBC touting the premiere episode, along with a confirmation of the episode’s title.
New #DoctorWho trailer drops tonight, online and on @BBCOne!
— Doctor Who (@bbcdoctorwho) March 13, 2017
More info at
And with this came confirmation of the premiere episode’s title:
"The image features Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, with Pearl Mackie as his new companion Bill Potts, and Matt Lucas as Nardole. Doctor Who returns to BBC One on Saturday 15 April with episode 1, The Pilot."
For Whovians, this is not only a confirmation of the premiere episode title, but in fact confirms the next *five* titles for the season. How? Because it confirms the theory that the “Time For Heroes” trailer a few weeks back did indeed contain an easter egg with episodes titles.
Screenshot of Doctor Who Trailer Image via BBC
Prior to this, the first episode was thought to be entitled “A Star in Her Eye,” due to a shot of the script that was leaked around social media, which had that as the working title at the top. But with the BBC confirming it is actually “The Pilot”, we can assume that the next few episodes will in fact match the titles above.
Next: Doctor Who Season 10 Premiere to Screen in Theaters
Doctor Who will return to televisions and theaters on BBC One and BBC America on April 15th, 2017.