5 Characters Who Got What Was Coming To Them


Sirius Black may have famously told Harry that “the world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters, we’ve all got both light and dark inside us,” but there’s no arguing that some of the characters in the wizarding world got what was coming to them.

The characters in Harry Potter are some of the best in the world. It was just as true when Sirius told Harry in the same conversation, “What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

These are the examples of the ones who chose to act pretty terribly almost always, and thus, got their dues.

1. Bellatrix Lestrange

She was the worst of the worst, and it’s hard to believe that she was anything but pure evil. She grew up in a family of pureblooded supremacists, and we supposed nature and a severe lack of nurture had everything to do with her wicked ways – yet, it’s no excuse. She’s murdered more than we can count, destroyed families, tortured people (the Longbottoms) to the point of insanity, and she killed Sirius Black, her own cousin, and did so with pride. Her whole life was to serve the Dark Lord, and to her, that was everything. She was hateful, deranged, but worst of all, dangerous – there’s no agreement to be made with a chaotic enemy such as Bellatrix. When Molly Weasley so triumphantly killed her at the Battle of Hogwarts, yelling, “Not my daughter, you bitch!” it was hands down one of the best scenes of the entire series.

Bellatrix, you deserved more suffering than you got, and we’re not sad to have seen you go.

2. Dolores Umbridge

Think you’ve had a terrible teacher in your life? Think again. When we were first introduced to the pink-loving, cat-loving Dolores Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix, there was no knowing just how cruel of a woman she could be. She was judgmental, harsh, and eventually, full on abusive, having students carve punishments into their hands magically. Umbridge created an Inquisitional Squad to hunt down rule-breakers, while also creating more and more rules that were impossible, at times, not to break. She targeted students and staff alike – including Headmaster Albus Dumbledore himself, during a year which was essentially one big witch (well, wizard) hunt for him.

So at the end of the book, when Fred and George humiliate her publicly and later, she’s dragged off by Centaurs into the Forbidden Forest, well, did anyone actually feel bad? We didn’t think so.

3. Lucius Malfoy

Lucius Malfoy was racist, classist, abusive and a Death Eater. So no, there was no pity for him from this end. He drilled his brain washed ideals into Draco, had a vendetta against a child the same age as his son, and spoke down to just about everyone. Lucius used slurs. He treated the Weasley’s as the scum of the Earth for being poorer than he, and he literally abused Dobby while Dobby was essentially a slave to the Malfoy family. He was vile, he was cold, and he probably deserved more than what he got.

4. Aunt Marge

As a Dursley, did we ever really expect much better from Aunt Marge? And yet, we still found our blood boiling all the same. She heartlessly spoke about Harry and his deceased parents, whom she had never known, as if they were alcoholics, bad parents, and Harry a troubled kid. She was, quite literally, the female version of Vernon, and one Vernon was more than enough for the series. So, no, when Harry made her blow up like a balloon and float away, can’t say there was any sympathy to be found for anyone but Harry, to be honest. Who knows what has become of Aunt Marge these days, but who really cares?

5. Gilderoy Lockhart

Lockhart is a tough one, because he wasn’t evil. He was just a deluded oaf who did more harm than good. The man had no business ever teaching children, and he plagiarized the lives of others often. In fact, he’d built his entire career and reputation around scamming greater wizards and witches. Stealing their stories and performing memory charms on them to forget their own stories. He’s a con man, and a useless professor and wizard. So when Ron’s confundus charm backfired and made him forget himself, it all seemed like karma just doing its job. You applauded, don’t lie.

Related Story: Ranking the Villains of Harry Potter

Who do you think got what was coming to them? Or worse, who didn’t? Let us know in the comments!