1. Amy Schumer: The Leather Special
Released March 7, 2017; Out Now
Amy Schumer, like Sarah Silverman, provokes visceral reactions: you either love her passionately, or you hate her with equal passion. But let’s be fair: most of the criticism lobbed at her is based on her “feminism” (as if this is an insult) and how we don’t need it in 21st century America, while subsequently snarking on her looks and body shape (thus proving the point that we do, in fact, need feminism).
Regardless of whether you think Schumer is a feminist hero or an embarrassment, her new Netflix special, The Leather Special (out now), is simply hilarious. In fact, we’ll go so far as to say that it’s the best special of her career. Because this is a family-friendly site, we can’t go into detail as to what she covers in her comedy special, but suffice it to say that we’ve all been there. There’s a reason that she’s on the top of our list of the 15 Netflix comedy specials we love the most…and that’s because she’s simply, unapologetically, Amy Schumer, and rightly or wrongly, we love her for it.
Next: 17 Little Known Shows To Stream When You’ve Run Out Of Ideas
What do you think of our list of the 15 Netflix comedy specials we love the most?