15 Changes the DCEU Needs To Make For Its Upcoming Movies

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Arrow — “The Sin-Eater” — Image AR514b_0182b.jpg — Pictured: Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow — Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

… And Their Mistakes

When Arrow started, it was a proto-Batman in the vein of the DCEU. It was somber, Oliver Queen was self-serious and broody and the city was constantly in that muted grey color palette the DCEU seems to be so fond of. The show had some growing pains but ultimately found its way. Season one had some real high points and season two, thanks to its multiple Black Canaries (!!!!!!!) was great.

Unfortunately, the show lost its way again. Season three and four were disappointing and moved everyone back into the dark and dour territory. A major comics character, Dinah Laurel Lance aka the Black freaking Canary, was killed off. The island flashback narrative was way overplayed. Major plot reveals (Felicity is paralyzed! Maybe) were used to stall the main plot, instead of propelling the action forward.

These narrative issues are ones that the DCEU should be trying to avoid. Arrow is suffering from the same problems of the DCEU right now: trying to do too much and losing sight of what you do best. Green Arrow works best when he’s a non-powered vigilante fighting street criminals and trying to protect his city. Superman movies work best when he’s inspiring others and trying to protect humanity.

Also, the whole “kill off a major DC Comics hero for the shock factor” with the Black Canary death is exactly the kind of nonsense I can see the DCEU try to pull. DON’T.