15 Changes the DCEU Needs To Make For Its Upcoming Movies

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THE FLASH Season 2 Episode 11: “The Reverse-Flash Returns” Image via CW

Learn From DCTV’s Success…

DC has always performed well on TV. The obvious reason is that it’s because superhero stories are serialized anyway, and it gives audiences time to get to know characters, plot lines and multiple villains without jamming it all into a two hour film. The DCEU can’t exactly replicate DCTV, but it can learn from it.

The major DCTV shows right now are Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl. Legends of Tomorrow and Gotham are both there too, but aren’t as big as hits.

The shows are, first and foremost, fun. The characters like each other and they like being superheroes. They will put just as much gusto into saving one person as they do the entire city, because they think everyone is worth saving. Basically, they are superheroes. Like, the proper kind, from the comics.

That’s not to say the shows aren’t goofy and weird sometimes, or that they don’t make any mistakes (*cough*ARROW*cough*). But they have more hits than misses, which is more than the DCEU can say for itself.

The shows still have weighty, emotional story lines and can sometimes be somber and serious. But they are still enjoyable overall and seem to really understand the characters at their core in a way that the DCEU fails to replicate.

I mean, the Suicide Squad episode of Arrow is just as entertaining as the movie Suicide Squad (maybe even more) and it cost a fraction of the budget. “More” isn’t always “better,” guys.