25 reasons that Chris Pine is the captain of our hearts

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25. The Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Engagement

Okay look, The Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Engagement is a cinematic masterpiece. From Julie Andrews surfing a mattress down the stairs to the introduction to young girls and boys to Christopher Whitelaw Pine, the man of our dreams.

For those of you who haven’t seen this masterpiece, Chris plays Nicholas Devereaux. He wants to become King of Genovia and plans to take over the throne. Too bad for him, he falls in love with Princess Mia as she is set to become the Queen and his plans begin to unravel.

There is an amazing scene where Nick and Mia are having a night together and they fall asleep to “Love Me Tender” by Norah Jones and honestly if you didn’t fall in love with him then, what were you doing?

This movie just holds a very special place in the hearts of fans of The Princess Diaries. We fell in love with the characters and then they gave us Chris Pine and we couldn’t be upset about it. So yes, one of the reasons we love Chris is because of his work on this film.

And also, it was really one of the first times we ever saw him and who wouldn’t be in love with this man?