Where Are They Now? Here’s What Your Favorite TV Characters Are Doing Today

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Photo: NBC

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation came to a very satisfying end. We got to see all our favorite characters find happiness in a flashforward of all their lives. Gary served as mayor. Donna and her husband founded a non-profit organization. Tom is a best seller. And Leslie went on to serve two terms as the Governor of Indiana. Parks and Rec was never above playing coy, either, and one of those flash-forwards included Leslie with her own Secret Service detail.

Obviously, she’s president. Because there is no one who would make a better president, current establishment included. She was elected on the platform of change, inclusion, and a better tomorrow. Additionally, she won by a landslide in both the popular vote and the electoral college.

Despite her opponent’s nasty attacks aimed at her, as a woman and a human, she ran a clean campaign. When news broke that the man running against her had attacked and victimized women, she made it her personal crusade to see him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

He’s in prison now, and she’s in the middle of her second term. During her tenure as the president, crime is lower, unemployment is down, we are reaching a solution to the war in Iraq, American is once again a superpower, and anybody is free to love and marry whomever they want. They are also allowed to use any bathroom they see fit.