An Alabama Theater Cancels Beauty and the Beast Due to Gay Representation

Disney announced that LeFou will be part of the first gay subplot in Beauty and the Beast so of course someone in Alabama has a problem with it.

Beauty and the Beast is a classic Disney film that is many of our favorites. Personally, it is my favorite movie and I’ve been very excited for this live-action remake. But apparently a theater in Alabama has decided to close its doors to the movie.

Why? Because LeFou, the man who was always in love with Gaston, is portrayed as homosexual in the film.

"When companies continually force their views on us we need to take a stand. If we can not take our 11-year-old granddaughter and 8-year-old grandson to see a movie we have no business watching it. If I can’t sit through a movie with God or Jesus sitting by me then we have no business showing it. I know there will be some that do not agree with this decision. That’s fine … We will continue to show family oriented films so you can feel free to come watch wholesome movies without worrying about sex, nudity, homosexuality and foul language."

Honestly, it is just because the owners are homophobic. There is nothing in this statement that expresses an actual reason for why the movie shouldn’t be shown. Other than their ‘Christian’ agenda.

As of December 16th the Henagar Drive-In is under new ownership. Movies scheduled prior to that date and four weeks…

Posted by Henagar Drive-In Theatre on Thursday, March 2, 2017

Overall, the Henagar Drive-In is clearly an establishment that only forces their opinions on those who want to frequent their establishment. They’re are not willing to provide for their customers.

Related Story: New Beauty and the Beast Clip for the song “Gaston”

Go and support this lovely story. It teaches us about acceptance and love and it shows young girls that we can be strong and intelligent. The Henagar Drive-In Theatre should be ashamed. Especially for their misuse of the word ‘theater’.