Here are 13 Actors We’d Love to see Play Professor X in the X-Men

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Image courtesy of CBS Films

5. Chris Pine

This is purely because of me. This is not because Chris Pine would make a great Professor X and this is not because he’d would look great bald. Every list I make, I put Chris on it. Mainly because he’s my favorite but also because he is an incredible actor who I want to have a starring role in everything.

But let us, for a minute, imagine him as Professor X. Let us take a second and think about how fun it would be to have this beautiful man playing Charles. It would be amazing but also extremely out of place. But honestly, seeing him in any movie kind of makes that movie ten times better.

Again, I don’t think Chris would be a great choice. I just think that Chris Pine is an amazing actor who should be considered for every role, even if it is just part of my strange dream casting scenario. So here is to this dream, this wonky idea that Chris could ever play Charles Xavier.

Mainly because it is just fun to think about a bald Chris. (That doesn’t mean go out and shave your head. Please don’t do that. We like your hair just fine.)