The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 11 “Hostiles and Calamities” Recap

The Walking Dead returned this week with “Hostiles and Calamities” and we’re taking a trip back to see what happens with Eugene at Camp Negan.

Camp Negan

Eugene was introduced to Camp Negan in the 11th episode of The Walking Dead’s season 7 this week and he’s getting a different treatment than Daryl got. He actually has his own room, complete with a full bookshelf of books and all the condiments he can imagine in his fridge. I think Eugene will like it here!

The way they’re treating this character is so different from Daryl and it has me wondering why. The first possibility is maybe because Eugene actually has a very useful skill that Negan needs so he’s treating Eugene well to utilize this. The other possibility is that Negan was trying to make Daryl another “Negan,” a.k.a. another one of him. One of his soldiers. Negan might make them go through this process of “breaking” them so he has total control over what they do and who they listen to. I’m still unsure what will happen with Eugene though.

While one of the Saviors is showing Eugene around, we get a closer look at how things run in Camp Negan. And I can’t lie when I say it looks like they have it pretty good. They even have homemade pickles!

Negan gets Eugene to come up with a solution to help keep the deteriorating walkers from falling apart in the camp’s surrounding walker cage. Negan seems to be taking a liking to Dr. Mullet. He even gets to hang out with Negan’s wives and he teaches them how to make bombs. This is like an apocalyptic science fair. Hmmmm, could this come in handy maybe in the future?

Eugene gets to nerd out over science and is surrounded by three beautiful women. Can’t he just smile for a minute?

The girls go to him one night and ask him to conjure up some pills so one of the wives can kill herself. Eugene makes the pills but it turns out they’re for Negan instead.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

On the other side of things, Dwight is getting into a bit of trouble with Negan after someone tipped him off that Daryl should “go now.” Negan locked up Dwight as he did with Daryl. Through the door, he says that Sherry also snuck away and of course, Negan thinks it’s all Dwight’s fault. This episode is reminiscent of “The Cell” but instead of someone trying to “break” Daryl in that little, cold room, it’s come full circle and Dwight is the one back on the other side of the door. I liked the parallel that the second half of this season has with the first half. It’s giving you a better look at the background behind how Negan’s minions got to be the way they are. It looks like they all started off as Daryl at one point.

Scenes like these once again shows the psychological side of Negan, proving what kind of leader he is. Negan lets Dwight out of the room and tells him to go find Sherry. He takes his bike and sets off on a mission.

He goes first to his and Sherry’s old house where he conveniently finds a letter from her. He learns that Sherry is the one that let Daryl out and then left shortly after. She talks about how she doesn’t know him anymore. Dwight shed a few tears. Okay, maybe more than a few.

"“I let Daryl go because he reminded me of who you used to be.“"

I smell a Dwight redemption arc coming in hot this season.

He returns to base and says that Sherry is dead and blames one of the doctors on site. Negan, proving a point, throws said doctor into a fire. Ya know, cause he’s Negan.

Austin Amelio as Dwight – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Well, even though this bottle episode was solely focused on Negan’s plot line, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I’m 100% here for Dwight getting back at Negan.

Next: Walking Dead T-Shirt Gets Pulled From Store For Being Racist

The Walking Dead airs Sunday on AMC at 9/8c.