25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

18. Fans Would Come Back to Watch the Show

Okay this one is for people like me. When you’re watching a television show and your favorite character dies, what is the point anymore, right? So I stopped watching Game of Thrones for over a year because of Robb’s death. Not because I didn’t love the show anymore but because it hurt too badly to watch something that once gave me joy without my favorite character there.

It is a weird dynamic. When you lose a favorite character, it is hard to care anymore. When the one who loved most is gone, it is like “what’s the point of watching this now?” Or at least that’s how I felt and I know I’m not alone. So if Robb was still alive, people would come back to the show. They might be like me and sucked it up to return to Game of Thrones but if not, having Robb still be alive would definitely make them return to watching.

Granted, it won’t ever happen but just imagine how amazing it would be! Robb Stark, back in action. We’d all love it and be better off for it. Especially those of us who couldn’t handle watching the show without Robb on it.