25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

19. They Loved Him on the Show

As someone who has not read the books but loves the television show, it is hard to know what is different without someone blatantly saying so. With Robb, it was clear that Richard made this character even more than his book persona led on and therefore gave us more Robb Stark.

As a character that never was a point of view character in the books, readers usually saw Robb through the eyes of Catelyn Stark or those around him. We saw his achievements and what he was capable of through other people, never Robb himself.

On the show, we watched in real time what Robb would do and how powerful he could be. And that gives us a knew view onto this character. It makes him more important and it makes fans of the character more involved. You can openly say that Robb was your favorite character because of his involvement in the show.

It is hard to justify that when you’re only looking at a secondary character. So yes, the show seemed to love Robb more. Which means we wish he was still alive to see what they could’ve done more for him since they clearly loved him so.