25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

20. That Face

More importantly, Robb is a beautiful boy. As is most of the Stark family. While Game of Thrones is filled with beautiful actors, Richard Madden was one of the prettier ones. That then makes Robb nicer to look at then some of the more less fortunate characters.

That face literally brought on a war that ended in his own death. Because his face made a woman (Talisa) fall in love with him and then Robb died. It is weirdly connected but I’m not wrong. Anyway, Robb is just pretty. That’s it.

There really isn’t anything too special, just that he was easy on the eyes. In a show that is so dark and can be gruesome at times, it was nice to just look at Robb and think about how pretty he was. With Jon, it is pretty much the same but it’s different.

With Robb, we didn’t know how hard his life was when we had him on the show. It got hard once he was murdered. With Jon, we knew how difficult he had it from the start. So Robb was easier to just look at and appreciate the beauty. So we wish he was still alive to just appreciate.