25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

21. Richard Madden was Sad About It

My favorite story from Game of Thrones is Richard Madden’s sad retelling of when he left the show. According to an interview with Access Hollywood from 2013, Richard had this to say about the plane ride home: “I cried the whole way. I was the crazy boy on the plane crying at about midnight, landing in London.”

Honestly it is fitting. He had just been killed off of the biggest show in the world. But it is just a sweet story that shows us how much Richard actually liked playing Robb Stark. For so many actors, they play this iconic characters and say they love them but really brush them off.

For Richard, whether it was the loss of money or the character itself, it is sweet to picture him sitting on a plane sobbing about his career on Game of Thrones coming to an end. But we wouldn’t expect anything less from him. After all, most interviews and stories point to Richard being emotional about things and that’s why we love him.

So we wish Robb was still alive just so we don’t have to think about Richard sitting alone on a plane crying about leaving Game of Thrones.