25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

2. Quit Killing the Starks

Please, just stop. First we get Bran thrown out of a window. Then Ned,, Robb’s unborn child, Talisa, Robb, and Catelyn. Yes Bran, Arya, Rickon, Sansa, and Jon are still alive (hopefully all of them stay that way), but isn’t it enough? The Lannisters who are terrible haven’t even suffered as much as the Starks.

Joffrey deserved to die, not all the Starks. Granted that is the nature of the show but please, let us take a step back and just think about all those Starks we have lost throughout the show. Let us think about them and then ask George R. R Martin why he hates us as much as he does.

If Robb was still alive (and Talisa), only two Starks would be dead. And while that is sad, fine. There are causalities in the game of Thrones. But with the Red Wedding, they knocked out four at once. That is bonkers.

So if we entertain the idea that Robb Stark is alive, the Stark family isn’t so sad. Unfortunately for us, he isn’t alive and their family is super depressing to think about. So maybe bring him back? For all our sakes? (It’s wishful thinking but come on.)