25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

3. Lack of Intimate Scenes

Game of Thrones is filled with sex scenes. It is on HBO after all. But Robb only got a few. Mainly because he only found his wife later on in his run on the show and then he died. So he didn’t have too many sex scenes before being murdered brutally in that scene we’re going to pretend doesn’t exist.

So if Robb was still alive, we fangirls and fanboys would get to enjoy countless sex scenes for Robb. Now, that might not be your forte but honestly, it would be great. We’ve seen enough incest on the show that just a nice man and his wife having a normal sex scene would be a nice reprieve.

And come on, who doesn’t like the sex scenes on Game of Thrones? Can you even like the show and ignore them? They’re such a big part of every show on HBO that you kind of have to enjoy them to get through your favorites. Especially with Game of Thrones.

So if Robb had never died, imagine what could have been. It would have been great, there would have been lots of shirtless scenes and butt shots, but instead, we were cut short of this glory.