25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

4. Jon Came Back, Why Can’t Robb?

While we’re aware of why Jon Snow came back and how it happened, let us just entertain the idea that Robb Stark could also come back. Mainly because for fans of Robb Stark, it has been a rough couple of seasons.

The thing about watching a show when your favorite character is dead is that you constantly want to know how it could have been different. How much better could Game of Thrones be if Robb was still on it and still trying to be king?

If we brought him back to life, we’d know. But instead, all his fans get to sit there and wish and hope and theorize what could possibly happen because that’s all we have now. We only have theories and ideas and what could have happened if we just had Robb still in our lives.

Honestly, it is a hard thing to do. But if we just think about Robb Stark coming back to life like Jon Snow did, we can think about all the things that he can accomplish. We can think that he’d be a great leader still and all the achievements he can make.

Now they just have to figure out how to get him back.