25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

6. Robb Did What He Thought was Right

When it comes to his death, Robb did what he thought was right. He followed his heart to make himself happy to be the best leader he could be. In the end, it ended terribly for him but his mind was in the right place.

Everything he did, he did because he thought he was doing what was necessary. There wasn’t any moment that was truly vindictive and he did what he thought was going to aid him in getting the throne the best. Robb just wanted to be the best King of the North he could be and did whatever it took to make him such.

Unfortunately doing what was right was not exactly what his heart wanted. So it ended up failing him and resulting in the murder of everything he loved and more. His wife, unborn child, and mother were all killed because he thought following his heart was right.

While Robb was correct, not everyone felt the same way. He was a good leader because he followed his gut and tried to do what was best for everyone but it wasn’t necessarily what everyone agreed on. So we don’t have Robb any longer, but at least he stayed true to himself.