25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

7. Westeros Needs Him

Of all the characters who deserved the Iron Throne, Robb Stark was one of the most deserving. Now many believe that it should go to Jon Snow, as it should, but still. Robb was King in the North and was working his way to taking over King’s Landing.

When he was killed, Westeros clearly lost someone who could truly led them to everything they needed and more. But now, they just have a group of people all fighting and trying to gain control and it just seems a bit more lost than the war was when Robb was still alive.

So if Robb Stark had never died (or was still alive in some way), he could have won by now and become King. He could be in charge and everything would be fine and dandy. Instead, the fight for the throne is still happening and everyone has their favorite to win.

To be fair, everyone had their favorite beforehand but now it is different. With Robb, it at least seemed like he was deserving of the throne. Westeros needs him and now that he is dead, everything seems a bit more worse off than it was before his death.