25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

8. Lack of Shirtless Scenes

There were a few moments of Richard Madden without a shirt on on Game of Thrones. There were some instances when we saw him outside of all that leather and fur. But they were rare and far apart.

So if Robb was still alive, we, as fans, could probably find ways to let the creative team know we wanted more. To be honest, what we saw of Robb shirtless was nice, but they definitely didn’t capitalize on that nearly enough.

While Game of Thrones isn’t necessarily about who is hot and having them walk around shirtless, there are a lot of sex scenes in the show. Of course they want us to ogle the boys and fall in love with them. So why not give us more shirtless scenes of Robb Stark?

Just have him walking around a beach with no clothes on for no reason other than to have girls and boys fall in love. It’d work, we’d just stare at Robb with nothing on and think about how amazing it is that Robb is hot and alive. So really, you’d be doing the world a favor if Robb Stark had never died and was just constantly shirtless.