25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

11. It’d Be Cool If He Had Never Died

Imagine a show where Robb Stark just never died. Sounds like a perfect show right? That’d be great. If Robb was just alive with a baby, we’d have hot dad Robb Stark trying to gain control of the Iron Throne, holding a baby, slaying some people, continuing to develop his relationship with Talisa, generally being the best ruler around, Grey Wind running beside him, and Jon happy his brother is around…

The show would be infinitely better. Not that Game of Thrones isn’t great now. It still is. The show is filled with brilliant characters who end up dying that we wish were still alive. But that doesn’t mean we don’t miss our favorites.

So just imagine a show where Robb didn’t get killed. How amazing would that be? We would live in the hope that the Starks would one day be reunited and get to be a family again. Now, it just seems so sad to think of them all together like they were in the first season.

They all looked so happy back in Winterfell that thinking about it in the current show makes fans of the Stark family sad. So if Robb just never died, we could still think of how happy they all were.