25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

12. Honestly, Robb was Hot

Again, Robb Stark is beautiful. We are going to continue to bring up this point because it is a good one. The Starks are a family of beautiful people. What with Ned Stark and Catelyn, did they even have the chance of not being attractive?

And so if Robb was still alive, we’d get to see that hunk week after week and appreciate him and his beauty. Yes, it is a weak example but really, Robb got as far as he did on his intelligence and his looks. It’s best we recognize that right from the beginning.

Honestly I just want more scenes of Jon and Robb running around, having a ball. That seems like the kind of show that would be great to see. Two hot brothers, trying to run the world. If that was the plot of Game of Thrones, everyone would watch it. Even those who vehemently say they hate the show.

So in a fantasy world, Robb is alive and well, looking beautiful and talking to his equally beautiful brother. Preferably with no shirts on but we have to remember, winter is coming. As long as his gorgeous face is on screen, the world is a better place.