25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

14. He Could be King

Of all those on their way to the Iron Throne, there are only a few who truly deserve the throne. Robb Stark was definitely one of those people. As King in the North, most those supported him and wanted him to win the war for the Iron Throne.

But then we will never know if he would truly be a great king because we didn’t get to see it. We did get to see glimpses of his potential when he was King in the North but we never really got to see what he was capable of. And we never will.

But if Robb was still alive, just imagine how different the show would be. He probably would have found Jon and the two of them could have a brotherly moment and then work their way towards taking over Westeros. Instead, Game of Thrones took a man with so much promise and murdered him in cold blood right before our eyes.

But that’s the nature of the show, no matter how much it breaks our hearts. So we will never know how great of a ruler Robb Stark could have been but if he was still alive, then we’d see it.