25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

15. His Siblings Need Him

Honestly the Stark children don’t need Robb. They’re all so strong and work to be the best that they can be that they don’t really need Robb around anymore. But it would’ve been nice if we was. Especially for Arya who had worked so hard to get back to her mother and brother only to reach them once it was too late.

Sansa and Jon can clearly survive on their own but if Robb were still alive, it would just be great to see all six of the Starks together once again. That first season when they were together was probably the happiest they ever were. And it was lovely for the audience to see.

Watching a family love each other and have fun with one another was rare on the show and it really is a missing element now. So just imagine, if you will, a Westeros where Jon Snow and Robb Stark are reunited. Jon telling Robb about his resurrection, Robb introducing Jon to his child.

It would be a great thing to see and we could all smile while watching Game of Thrones. Too bad this show just wants our hearts continually ripped to shreds and we’ll never see it.