25 reasons we wish Robb Stark from Game of Thrones was still alive

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Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Actor: Richard Madden. Courtesy of HBO

17. He Deserved Better

Robb deserved better. It is just as simple as that. In the show, he marries Talisa because he loves her. It ends up leading to the death of his mother, wife, unborn child and himself but still. In a world where everyone takes you on your word, it ended up with Robb making one mistake and then being punished with death.

In the long run, his death screwed up everyone’s plans but still. He just deserved so much better than spending his last few years fighting a war and then being brutally murdered for being selfish for one moment and marrying a woman he actually loved.

But that is the nature of Game of Thrones. It just isn’t something we want to see for our favorite character. When you’re watching a television show, you want something good to happen. Too bad that Game of Thrones gives you good things and then takes them all away.

So I just think that Robb deserved a little better. He deserved to be happy other than those three episodes where we got to see him smile. Because this show takes away so much, let us just have one moment where everyone can smile and laugh for once.