Stephen Colbert vs Jimmy Fallon: A New Player in the Mix

For weeks, it was Meyers vs Colbert but now it seems as if Fallon is finally stepping up to the plate and taking on Donald Trump.

Stephen Colbert took his monologue to talk about why Trump isn’t tweeting as much. And normally, Seth Meyers is right there along side him. There was an amazing Seth segment but it seems as if Jimmy Fallon is finally stepping up to the plate and taking on the president.

With the Late Show’s take focused on his Twitter account and what happened the last two days. For those who don’t know, the president only tweeted four times in two days and that is a little frightening since he literally would tweet at least 6 times a day before.

Colbert said that sources admitted that staffers were creating “fake news” to prevent the president from tweeting since he only does when he sees criticism of himself. They try to show him pro-Trump news sources and when they cannot find them, they create news. So basically creating fake news for the president.

Fallon’s was very much his tone. The thing about Fallon was that even on Saturday Night Live, he was never the political man. It was always Tina who handled the real politics so Fallon has been getting criticism for not talking about it more frequently on his show.

It seems as if Fallon has taken that note and is talking about the president’s staffers as well as Pop Francis and his subtweets of Trump.

This is a battle definitely won by Stephen Colbert but it is nice to have Fallon finally thrown into the mix.

Related Story: Seth Meyers vs Stephen Colbert: A Winner is Making Himself Known

You can catch both of these shows every night. Tune in and hopefully they’ll continue to do amazing work.