Promotional Image via Lifetime/Photo by Bobby Quillard Copyright 2017
We review Project Runway Junior Season 2 fourth place finisher Izzy’s collection, which she presented at the finale at FIDM for the judges.
Izzy was the one contestant who’s name I could never remember. I got her and Molly confused nearly the entire season, and this is despite the fact that izzy wore interesting springs of whatnot on her head every week.
That inability to remember her name also lead to an inability to remember her clothes from week to week…all the way to the week before the finale, where she suddenly turned out her best work all season.
Her collection also helps one remember her work throughout the season, because unlike other designers, she did not try and stray from what she had been doing. After all, it got her all the way to the finale, why change now? It also gave her collection a confidence and a wearability that none of the others had. But is wearability really the goal in fashion? It’s the eternal question as art meets commerce. If we were grading on the collection kids her age would most want to wear, Izzy wins hands down. But if we’re going for the art….
Anyway, let’s look over her six looks.