Promotional Image via Lifetime/Photo by Bobby Quillard Copyright 2017
We review Project Runway Junior Season 2 second place finisher Chris’ collection, which he presented at the finale at FIDM for the judges.
All throughout the competition, I felt like Chris was one of those mushy middle contestants who the judge’s simply forgot to eliminate. Like, we got to the end of the season, and he wasn’t nearly as bad as anyone else, so he was just sort of through. That’s how it works at the beginning of the season, but not so much at the end.
Chris himself wasn’t a bad kid. He certainly tried hard, and there was a level where he knew his own limitations in the setting, which for a kid his age isn’t nothing. In fact, one could argue his knowledge of his own limitation was how he got himself to the end.
As for his collection, until the very end, he did not push himself. Once Tim really gave him the kick in the butt he needed, he did some major improvements that kept the entire collection from feeling like a trip to your local Khol’s. But he really needed that kick, otherwise he probably would not have pushed himself at all the entire season.
Let’s take a gander at his six pieces.