The United States of America suffered a huge setback in human rights yesterday and celebrities aren’t taking the news very lightly.
Wednesday, February 22nd will certainly go down in history as a huge step backward in our country. The Trump administration ruled that transgender students are no longer protected under federal regulations which once allowed them to use the bathrooms and locker rooms in their schools which matched their identifies. It will now be up to the school system to decide how to deal with this issue. In places and communities where transgender youth are specifically targeted, this ruling could ultimately mean life or death for some kids.
Like most rulings made by Trump these days, people across the world took to twitter to express their concern. But this one felt a little different. It’s something that was entirely unnecessary- to reverse something that had already been put into place, and to put thousands of kids at risk on a daily basis.
The ounce of respect that I could’ve ever had for Trump was definitely lost yesterday, and I’m definitely not the only one who felt like this. Celebrities from all facets of entertainment expressed their disgust on twitter and social media.
It’s clear that nobody is ready to give up on this fight for equality but it’s nice to see that people with louder voices than others are heavily speaking out about it. They’re leading the army that will protect the lives of transgender children who will soon be discriminated against due to their gender identity.
What happened to this statement, Donald?
What else are you going to lie about? Better yet, what else have you lied about?
Next: Thousands to Flood the Streets at the Not My President Protests Today
Culturess is proud to stand with people who identify as transgender and we’ll never back down from using our platform to fight for you.