Beauty and the Beast Hides Potter Easter Egg In New Clip

Eagle eyes fans spot what could be a Harry Potter reference in the newly released opening for Emma Watson’s Beauty and the Beast.

Emma Watson’s beauty and the Beast casting as Belle is a direct line from the role that made her famous in Harry potter, that of the brainy hermione Granger. Watson herself has admitted that once filming for the Potter movies was over, she discovered her own inner Hermione and her reputation as bookish and smart helped her land what is looking to be her second major franchise level role.

But it seems like Disney, and the writers of Beauty and the Beast, also wanted to tap into just a little bit of that Harry Potter magic that Watson brings with her. Eagle eyed fans spotted what seems like a fun little Potter reference in the opening number to the movie, which was released on line a couple of days ago.

Check out the clip and see if you can catch it.

Did you notice it? It’s not exactly obvious to the average fan who hasn’t watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosopher’s Stone if you’re outside the US.) But in the movie, when we first meet Neville Longbottom, he’s having issues (As Neville is inclined to do.) When asked what’s wrong he says he’s forgotten something… “The only problem is, I can’t remember what I’ve forgotten.”

Now watch again, and check the dialogue at the 26 second mark.

For Beauty and the Beast fans, you’ll note that a change from the original cartoon opening number line…it’s been changed to match Neville’s line…and spoken by someone who looks like he could pass for an aging Hufflepuff to boot.

Next: Colleen Atwood Talks Dressing the Cast of Fantastic Beasts

Harry Potter reference? Or coincidence? We report, you decide.