Episode 710 of The Walking Dead aired earlier this week and left us with a solid idea of where the rest of this season is going.
The second half of The Walking Dead season 7 is coming back stronger then ever. After a rough 8-episode stretch, many fans were quick to admit that they’d drop the show if things weren’t going to change. Luckily, the first two episodes have so far, proved we’re back on a path reminiscent of everything we had missed about the show. Rick Grimes is back in charge with Michonne by his side and an entire squad ready to fight against Negan.
In “New Best Friends,” we were introduced to a new group of people called the scavengers and Rick convinced them to be on their side. And when I say “convince,” I actually mean fight to the death against a spiked walker (Winston) to prove just how serious he was. But, you know, those are just minor details.
Check out my full recap here before reading any further.
That #Caryl reunion though.
I’m going to start off with my favorite moment of the night- that #Caryl reunion. I’ve been waiting an entire season for that moment and it was everything and more than I hoped it would be. Carol and Daryl have had a unique relationship since season 2 of The Walking Dead. It was Daryl who was there when Carol lost Sophia and he was the one who got her through it. They’re individually strong characters who’ve both lost everyone they’ve loved throughout this apocalypse. They find solace in one another, a home. So if you heard faint sobbing on Sunday night when they were finally reunited, it was definitely me.
Does everyone want to join Rick’s rebellion besides the King (and Morgan)?
Why is the King so against joining Rick’s army? Him and Morgan seem to be the only ones against joining forces. Richard made it clear that he definitely wants in. Even Benjamin is trying to talk Ezekiel into it. Will Carol step up maybe after she learns what the Saviors did? Because let’s be honest, Carol finds out everything so Daryl’s little lie isn’t going to last too long.
Rick went “up, up, up” and then he went down, down, down.
What a way to treat a guest. Like I mentioned before, we met the scavengers this week and they weren’t too keen on Rick’s presence at first. He had to prove himself first if they were going to help out our squad, so that’s when Jadis sent him “up, up, up,” which at first, sounds like a great place to be. Well, that was until he went down, down, down. She kicked Rick into a pit where they kept Winston, the friendly neighborhood porcupine walker.
We’ve had a lot of epic walker fights on The Walking Dead so far but this easily sits somewhere in the top ten. My personal favorite move was when Rick tried to kill it with a keyboard. Of course, Rick Grimes won (because he always wins) and proved himself to Jadis and her creepy cult-like posse that only speaks in stoic phrases and never show emotion.
But where will we ever find guns?!
Ah, the question of the hour. Where will we find enough guns to satisfy the scavengers?
Oh, you know a place, you say?
In all seriousness, when will Tara step up and finally admit where they can find a ton of guns?! I know you promised them and all but this is an apocalypse sweetie, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Especially when you life is on the line and the people you loves lives are on my line. The Seaside Community hates the Saviors too so can’t Rick like, nicely ask to join their growing army? And spare a few guns in the process? Or am I asking too much?
So many unanswered questions. Good thing we’re only two episodes deep.
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The Walking Dead airs on Sunday at 9/8c on AMC.