10 Margarita Recipes To Help You Celebrate National Margarita Day

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The Kentucky Derby Margarita
Is there anything that invokes an image of the Kentucky Derby more than the mint julep? Granted, the mint julep is a Southern drink that may, or may not, be alcoholic, depending on your tolerance for moonshine. Still, this version of the margarita pays homage to this classic drink, while also providing a unique taste to the traditional margarita that you may — or may not — like. Still, in the event you prefer something that goes down easy, and leaves your breath smelling fresh enough to kiss (hey, something has to justify that hookup! We know you, we see you — no judgement though!), might we suggest this recipe, out of all the margarita recipes? Just don’t drink too much of it. There’s nothing worse than a sloppy drunk!