Opening next month, Lionsgate unleashes two new Power Rangers clips to go along with their colorful Morphin’ posters of the whole Power Rangers squad.
Like anything you’d dub an “original,” the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers consist of the best and only squad worth mentioning when someone brings up Saban’s iconic fighting team of teenagers. Honestly, I could make a case for the Turbo squad, but not anything beyond Rangers in Space.
Furthermore, I’d like to think that Ivan Ooze is one of the most iconic villains to come out of the franchise. But the reboot decided to turn their attention to the villain who garnered more screentime in the original run. Instead of being played by a Japanese actress — Why didn’t they go for a broader appeal? This movie’s going to make all its money overseas, right? — they cast Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa.
In addition to this casting change, they’ve also decided to reboot the Power Rangers with a much more alien background. Basically, once they find the “coins,” they develop powers and Zordon (Bryan Cranston) entrusts the fate of the galaxy to them.
These coins are what the two new clips focus on. Check it out below.
I appreciate that they won’t stray away from this being a team movie. Part of the appeal of Power Rangers remains that there’s equal emphasis on each character. Plus, the squad is compromised of various ethnicities, and of course, not dominated by dudes. It’s kind of like Scooby-Doo. Consider these Power Rangers like Mystery Inc from space.
And on that note, check out these groovy posters for the film, too:
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Power Rangers opens in theaters on March 24.