In celebration of this year’s World Cat Day, we’ve collected some of the best stories (and tweets) that commemorate the love between us and our cats.
Yesterday (Feb. 17) was World Cat Day. While International Cat Day is celebrated in August or October, it seems like one day is not enough. And since Europe always feels like doing things a little differently, I don’t see a problem with giving the pets who are the best (but continuously get a bad rap) another day of love and affection. It helps keep things balanced.
Like, every time someone emails me a video of a dog falling into the pool, I think we should dedicate another day on the calendar to cats. But before we get ahead of ourselves, it’s time to celebrate the times we do have:
The one above is funny to me because my cat thinks she’s an Olympic gymnast. This morning, I learned she can leap to the top of the curtains in a single bound. Sadly, I didn’t get to take a picture because I was too busy untangling her from her little Cirque de Soleil act.
The Brain Eater is by far and away my favorite one.
As I peruse the internet in search of World Cat Day things, I realize that my cat’s not as unusual as I thought she was. I’m a first-time cat
friend, so everything is new to me. Apparently, I’m not the only one who zooms in on their cat’s face while they’re sleeping just for an up close and personal shot of their wittle nose. Also, it seems like everyone’s cat sleeps in the weird crescent position, belly up and arms outstretched. And all those jokes about opening up the camera roll in someone’s phone only to discover thousands of photos of their cat(s)? I get it now.
Thus, I leave you with this:
Related Story: Caturday Blogging: Valentine's Day Edition
Happy Caturday, everyone! And may you have a calm and relaxing weekend with your cat, the greatest gift on Earth … after Star Wars.