This week’s Supergirl gave us a deeper look at the relationship between Lillian and her daughter, but some things still aren’t adding up.
If you haven’t caught my recap for Supergirl’s “Luthors,” you can find that here before I get a little extra about some shocking moments from the episode.
Does this classify as queer baiting?
Hear me out for a minute. Supergirl has given us Sanvers, which is great. But what they heck do they think they’re doing to us with all this Supercorp flirting? Honestly- is it still considered queer baiting if the show already has a f|f ship on it but then they’re aggressively teasing another?
Whatever. Either way, I’m here for it.
But seriously. Katie McGrath is back, which means my Supercorp shipping heart is very content. If there’s one way to get me to watch a TV show, it’s to throw Katie McGrath in there and call it a day.
The dynamic between Lena and Kara is simply magic; the chemistry is undeniable. The way they interact with one another on screen is something you don’t even see between f|f pairings on others shows, and to waste that potential by not making them date is just poor judgment in my opinion. Let’s be honest though, you could cut the sexual tension between Kara and Lena with a child’s plastic butter knife. Lena filled Kara’s office with flowers!!! She called Kara her hero. She didn’t call Supergirl her hero. She called Kara her hero. They are destined for greatness and I’ll be patiently watching this season just waiting for it. Not to mention if this show had two queer leads, it would be revolutionary. Just saying.
Once a Luthor, always a Luthor.
Speaking of Lena Luthor and the amazing actress that Katie McGrath is. What the heck was that scene at the end of the episode? You know, the scene directly after I thought Lena and Kara were going to become girlfriends because they were sitting awfully close together on that couch. The scene where Katie picked up the chess piece and stared at it as a villain would right before that villain took over the entire world. Is she plotting her next move? Is she using Kara? Or is she just a really good chess player and the Supergirl writers needed us to know this?
Supergirl — “Luthors” — Image SPG212a_0157 — Pictured: Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor — Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Someone’s probably going to die.
I’m going to drop a serious truth bomb on you all right now. For a superhero show where our beloved characters are constantly put in danger episode after episode, we haven’t seen much main character death over these two seasons. Which is great and I love it because I couldn’t even choose my least favorite one. (Okay, maybe Mon-El can go). But if we’re being honest, that probably means we’re going to see a death in the near future.
Think about it, we have 7 characters right now all in the same squad- Kara, Alex, Winn, James, J’onn, Maggie, Mon-El. That’s a lot to handle and a lot of storyline to follow, so that can only mean one thing and. Place your bets now. As much as I want it to be Mon-El, I could see James going just because he’s an arrogant idiot when it comes to being Guardian.
But so help me god that if they kill off Maggie Sawyer, I will personally go kicking and screaming to that writers room and give them a piece of my mind.
Solid episode. I loved how it was Luthor heavy and we got a deeper look into Lena’s past. I want to trust Lena but after that scene on Monday night, I’m really not sure anymore. Once a Luthor, always a Luthor? Right?
Next: American Horror Story Season 7 Theme is Finally Announced
Supergirl airs Monday at 8/7c on The CW.