Samantha Bee took a closer look at Russia’s role in Donald Trump’s puppetry (I mean presidency) last night on Full Frontal.
We all know Samantha Bee, the jokester who likes to make fun of all that’s wrong in the world. So we know it’s like, really bad when the jokester isn’t actually joking.
“Today, all of us, democrats and republicans, woke up with this sick feeling that our president could be a Russian puppet.”
That’s not a joke. For once, something that came out of Samantha Bee’s mouth wasn’t meant to be funny. It was meant to be fearful, and it is. If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ll know that the ties between Trump and Russia are slowly revealing themselves to intelligence agencies, and Trump’s not having it.
The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2017
So un-American that intelligence agencies are doing their job. Geeeeez. Here’s how Sam Bee responds to it:
She shows a clip of Joe Scarborough: “He’s digging himself into the same bunker and same little whole that Richard Nixon did in 1973 and 1974.” To which Bee responds, “Holy shit. That is how serious this is. Joe Scarborough mentioned a previous event in Washington without making it about himself.”
But before she ends her Wednesday night show, Sam Bee hands the camera over to Ashley Nicole Black to provide some advice for the resistance, because it’s clearly much needed right now. It’s Black History Month so Black interviewed five veterans of the Civil Rights Movement.
“Sometimes you gotta put your cell phone down and take to the streets.” Damn right, girl!
So since our president may or may not be a Russian puppet, take a few pages out of these Civil Rights veterans handbooks and prepare for the fight that’s coming. Because remember, like Sam Bee said, “We’re only one menstrual cycle into this presidency and there is blood in the water.”
Next: Seth Meyers Talks North Korea and Trump’s Dinner Table Etiquette
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee airs Wednesday at 10:30/9:30 c on TBS.