The 12 Best Love Stories in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Paul Bettany and Elisabeth Olsen in “Captain America: Civil War”. (Photo: Marvel)

Wanda Maximoff and Vision

Wanda and Vision are not yet technically a couple in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they might as well be. Let’s put it this way: Vision is distracted enough over the possibility that Wanda that he accidentally shoots a friend with his mind gem at the end of Civil War. And seriously injures them. And doesn’t run off to help them or anything. Prior to that movie, we weren’t even sure Vision had feelings. But given his obvious interest in literally everything about Wanda it seems he most definitely does.

Vision and Wanda initially bonded over the mysterious origins of their respective (massive) powers. Neither of them are entirely sure what the limits of their own abilities are, and they clearly have questions about them. Their outsider status has clearly drawn them closer together. So much so that Vision regularly just pops into her bedroom for a visit by phasing through the wall? And apparently this happens often enough that they’ve had to have a talk about the etiquette of using doors? Vision’s got it bad, y’all.

In short: Get you a man who will make a completely awful attempt to cook a dish you love from your childhood. And still be adorable about it when he fails utterly.

In the comics, the pair also have their differences – after all, she’s a sorceress who goes bad sometimes, and he’s an android. But they end up getting married and basically living a domestic fantasy for a while. Seriously, they buy a house and have (multiple) kids. That seems an unlikely fate for them in the MCU. Particularly since the next Avengers film will probably feature Thanos coming after that Infinity Stone in Vision’s forehead. (It is subtitled Infinity War, after all.) But I guess you never know what could happen in a superhero movie, right?