The 12 Best Love Stories in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan in “Captain America: The First Avenger”. (Photo: Marvel)

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

Sure, sure, technically Steve and Bucky aren’t an official MCU romance. But, heck, they might as well be. Their relationship is the driving force behind the bulk of Marvel’s Captain America film series. All three movies basically involve Steve and Bucky telling everyone how important they are to each other, breaking rules to be together, and rescuing one another from people trying to do them harm. They’re obsessed with each other.  If Bucky were a woman we’d probably already be wondering when they were going to just plan the wedding already.

Literally everyone in the Marvel universe who comes into contact with either of them finds out almost immediately that Steve and Bucky are devoted to one another. They’re a package deal, and it’s adorable. You can argue about what kind of “love” is between these two people, but the fact that they’d both burn the world down for each other is apparent. (“I’m with you till the end of the line” is practically a lifestyle at this point.) The fact that both characters are men out of time, who only have each other left from the world they knew adds a certain layer of extra pathos and heartbreak to their relationship.

They’ve been through so much together that it’s hard not to desperately want something good to happen to them. (Like a makeout session maybe, but that just could be me.) Plus, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan have ridiculous chemistry together. Romantic or not, the bond between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes is stronger and more fleshed out than almost any other duo in the MCU. And the writers of some of the other couples in this universe could maybe take some lessons from the way this relationship is portrayed.