Iron Fist still hasn’t premiered yet, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take a peek at The Defenders’ new set photos, which don’t have Iron Fist.
Although The Defenders won’t arrive as a series on Netflix until this summer sometime (which, between this and Game of Thrones, we fully expect not to leave our houses for a pretty solid chunk of time), that doesn’t mean that the show has even finished filming yet. Instead, new set photos arrived via Steve Sands of Getty Images. (We also tip our hats to CBR for the find.)
However, you can check some of them out right here:
Sitting on the subway is srs bsns. (Steve Sands, Getty Images) #Defenders
— Z. (@zellyharkinian) February 11, 2017
Interestingly enough, the ad behind them also has four people holding hands, but we only see three of the four Defenders in the photo. Danny Rand/Iron Fist (Finn Jones) is nowhere to be seen.
Before you suggest that perhaps we just can’t see him, there’s another photo where you can pretty clearly see that if he is on set, he definitely isn’t sitting next to Charlie Cox:
No Iron Fist, though...(Steve Sands, Getty Images) #Defenders
— Z. (@zellyharkinian) February 11, 2017
Maybe he just got up for a minute? Below, you can check out a few more of the photos:
#LukeCage, #JessicaJones & #Daredevil enjoy themselves on the NYC subway in latest #Defenders photos.
— Mask & Hammer MCU (@MaskandHammer) February 11, 2017
Presumably, the pictures which show Cox without Matt Murdock’s glasses on are from between takes, as CBR also notes that some of these seem to be non-acting shots. If that’s so, it’s good to see him, Mike Colter, and Krysten Ritter having fun on set.
If we had to guess, this might take place during some sort of split that means Iron Fist leaves the team. It would help explain the mostly serious expressions everyone else sports. Alternatively, they may have just had a let down of some other sort. It’s tough to say without any context.
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Either way, it’s good to see The Defenders moving right along. The show will premiere on Netflix over the summer; Iron Fist arrives on March 17.