Avengers: Infinity War Releases a Four-Minute Teaser

Kevin Feige does a lot of talking in the Avengers: Infinity War teaser, but nevertheless, we have an even better sense of where the film’s going.

Avengers: Infinity War won’t arrive until next year. However, with a film that boasts an absolutely massive cast based on the call, does it really come as a surprise that filming has already begun? That’s to say nothing of the fact that it’s another Avengers movie. They have a tendency to be rather large, even by Marvel Cinematic Universe standards.

Marvel, though, knows that we know the movie will likely be epic. They just wanted to also confirm that it will be epic. The result? A nearly four-minute teaser confirming the start of production and also the presence of Spider-Man.

Check it out below, via Marvel Studios on Twitter:

Yes, that is Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Star-Lord…or, to be more accurate, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, and Chris Pratt all standing next to each other on set with a massive green screen behind them. Notably, neither Downey Jr. nor Holland appear to be in costume, but Pratt is. Judging by what we can see of the set, it appears that the scene might be one that features the Guardians of the Galaxy. Perhaps it’s one that helps establish their need to go find the Avengers to team up and take down Thanos?

And yes, Thanos is very much back. You can spot some concept art of him in the video above. Another great piece of art features Thor and Rocket Raccoon standing together, ready for action, and we can’t wait for Thor’s commentary about the new people he has to fight alongside, especially after his adventures in Thor: Ragnarok with the Incredible Hulk and Doctor Strange.

Also, producer Kevin Feige is among the many members of the crew who explain just how much effort’s going into making sure that Infinity War works. (He also further confirms Thanos as the major threat.) The MCU’s well-crafted if nothing else — they will have had 10 years to do this by the time the movie hits theaters, after all.

Next: New Justice League Synopsis

Avengers: Infinity War should hit theaters on May 4, 2018.